A band / singer I like

I  want to talk about my favorite band,  they are Radiohead. Radiohead its a band that started to play in the 90's. Their music is so emotional and beautiful that anybody can't ignore that,. I can´t choose one of all their albums like my favoirte, but "hail to the thief" and "in rainbows" are two of the best. The first I mention talks about the politics and the conflicts brings with it. The second one is a disk that talks more about the feelings.
This band comes to Chile like ten years ago so I was to young to go, but its suppose they will come the next year and I can´t wait to go and see them.
Now I want to talk about one of the most beautiful songs of this band. In my opinion is "weird fishes"this song threats about not feel part of the world, because you are weird for the conventional human behaviuor. Another beautiful song is "true love waits" this song treaths about love, but not romantical one, In my opinion its a song of love free in the way that you don´t have to pressure the one that you love.
Finally the singer Tom Yorke also works alone and his music is so beautiful like Radiohead music.


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