An Expert on my field

The person that I’m about to describe is someone that I wish I could see more often but distance wouldn’t allow it. She is someone that I love and admire. This person is my grandmother, and her name is Lucila
, but everyone in her village calls her “Mrs Bella”. She is 72 years old. She didn’t finish school, as she had to start working at the age of 13. However, after getting married she devoted her whole life to raise her seven children while my grandfather was away working in the countryside. It might not seem like a very exciting life, but she is one the people that I admire the most. She is very good at learning new things that she then puts in practice, she absolutely loves reading and not only about religious things but also philosophy and sciences. She takes every opportunity to learn something new, anything that she can turn into something that she can sell and then generate income for the family. She’s “president” of the elderly club of the village, and organizes their visit to the beach as well as other activities. She’s got bad knees but that doesn’t stop her from running everything, from helping everyone in the village without asking anything in return. And even though this description of her does not include any professional achievement, that doesn’t stop me from being proud of being her granddaughter. I love her because she is someone that always pushes forward and never gives up, someone that shares with you experiences, feelings and hopes for the future.  


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