A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

I can't choose wish subjet I enjoy more this semester, but I am between two options: one is theory and the other one is epistemology. Theory in Sociology is about some  thinker that have a lot of importance or influence for all the career, for example, Simmel is the first thinker that talked about the tragedy in the modernity thats means that in the modernity the person suffer the separation between him and the rest of the world. 
On the other hand, epistemology threats about the way that the knowledge is study in a lot of disciplines. 
However I enjoy a lot, learn this two subject, because the theachers in each one are fantastic, in theory you have the theacher Tijoux and in Epistemology you have the theacher Dario. 
I think the most important thing in a class is how the theacher ensign if they are interested in your education or not. Also if they give you the oportunity to develop your habilities.
I want to mention that my experience in this to subject has been fantastic and I hope my classmates had enjoy too.


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