why did you choose your career?

When I was a child I used to change my mind about the plans for my adult life, because I was interested in a lot of different things,so I could not decide which one was the best, for example, in a while I wanted to became in a big chef but on the next day I was thinking that I could be an excellent teacher. Well at that time I had no pressure to take one or another.
As soon as I was in high school it came the first decision about my future life, that was to choose among Humanistic, Biologic or Mathematician. In that moment I was so confused, because I loved the letters and the biology, however I had to choose only one and I took biology. Despite of that election when I was preparing PSU test  thinking about becoming  a doctor, I remember having thought if that was the real profession that I wanted to take for the rest of my life, because no matter how beautiful it could be to help people, I felt there's something that I would miss a lot that was the desire to learn everyday a little more. So I changed my mind at the last time,  I would not study medicine, like this I started to search whereby I fond Sociology and It was a great surprise, because it fulfilled all my expectation.
Currently I enjoy a lot studying Sociology and meeting with so many good persons at my side. Although I don´t know what I am going to do when I finish.


  1. i'm happy that you're not studying medicine, otherwise we wouldn't have met <3


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