
Showing posts from 2017

My blogging experience

When it comes to my experience using blogs in the english class, I’d like to say out that so far using blogs has been a really good experience, firstly because it has helped me to practice my writing, which is what I struggle the most with. It has also been good because it has introduced me to new and different ways of making the most of my laptop, and not only to spend time on facebook and wasting my time. Additionally, I feel like my writing skills have developed quite a lot, as now I feel capable of writing a good amount of words, instead of just some loose phrases. Also, I can tell how now my vocabulary has become a bit more complete which makes me want to try and continue practicing my writing, which makes me think about what I’d like to include in the future to make my English better. The first thing I can think of is, perhaps, finding new ways to help develop my hearing skills because I believe that it goes together with practising writing. They complement each other. In addit...

A story (post 5)

Sometimes movies can make us think and realize so many things that at first glance, we didn´t know or maybe we did, but we didn't know how to put in words . When i see for the first time the movie "American Beauty" I had no idea what wait for, but it’s one of the best movies I had ever seen. I Think that the scene that frame my life from this movie, it´s one with a bag, yes just like you read. it's a scene where you see two of the main important characters looking a bag floating in the air. And you see there the beauty of simples things in the world. The beauty that closed every single thing, and how, if you just pay attention you have everything by your side. In the picture in this post you have de imagine of this scene, I can´t give you more dates from this movie, but i have to say that you must see sometime in your life.

A band / singer I like

I  want to talk about my favorite band,  they are Radiohead. Radiohead its a band that started to play in the 90's. Their music is so emotional and beautiful that anybody can't ignore that,. I can´t choose one of all their albums like my favoirte, but "hail to the thief" and "in rainbows" are two of the best. The first I mention talks about the politics and the conflicts brings with it. The second one is a disk that talks more about the feelings. This band comes to Chile like ten years ago so I was to young to go, but its suppose they will come the next year and I can´t wait to go and see them. Now I want to talk about one of the most beautiful songs of this band. In my opinion is "weird fishes"this song threats about not feel part of the world, because you are weird for the conventional human behaviuor. Another beautiful song is "true love waits" this song treaths about love, but not romantical one, In my opinion its a song of love f...

A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

I can't choose wish subjet I enjoy more this semester, but I am between two options: one is theory and the other one is epistemology. Theory in Sociology is about some  thinker that have a lot of importance or influence for all the career, for example, Simmel is the first thinker that talked about the tragedy in the modernity thats means that in the modernity the person suffer the separation between him and the rest of the world.  On the other hand, epistemology threats about the way that the knowledge is study in a lot of disciplines.  However I enjoy a lot, learn this two subject, because the theachers in each one are fantastic, in theory you have the theacher Tijoux and in Epistemology you have the theacher Dario.  I think the most important thing in a class is how the theacher ensign if they are interested in your education or not. Also if they give you the oportunity to develop your habilities. I want to mention that my experience in this to subject ...

An Expert on my field

The person that I’m about to describe is someone that I wish I could see more often but distance wouldn’t allow it. She is someone that I love and admire. This person is my grandmother, and her name is Lucila , but everyone in her village calls her “Mrs Bella”. She is 72 years old. She didn’t finish school, as she had to start working at the age of 13. However, after getting married she devoted her whole life to raise her seven children while my grandfather was away working in the countryside. It might not seem like a very exciting life, but she is one the people that I admire the most. She is very good at learning new things that she then puts in practice, she absolutely loves reading and not only about religious things but also philosophy and sciences. She takes every opportunity to learn something new, anything that she can turn into something that she can sell and then generate income for the family. She’s “president” of the elderly club of the village, and organizes their visi...

My best friend

First of all, I have to say that I don´t have a best friend because I love all my friends equally, each one of them is very especial to me in a lot of ways, I think that I am a lucky person for having them in my life. This time I would like to tell you about my university friends, they are my little group, if you want to put a name to it, anyway, with these guys we share a lot of things, we study together, we go out, we support each other. But the most important thing is that there is always someone to give you advice or just to listen to you if you need it. I really think that we are like a family, a family whose members come from different places and have different dreams but that is always there for you.

My favorite piece of technology

Well, nowadays technology is present in almost every single thing that we do in our routines, however, I still think that sometimes we should limit its use. But if you ask me which is my favorite piece of technology, I must say that it is definitely the computer, because you can do everything you want in it, you can watch movies, listen to music, do homework, communicate with people (in a lot of different platforms), save documents, etc. I agree that the cellphone can also do all of this stuff and even more (you can take it everywhere you go without problem) but in my case, I can’t have a cellphone in a good condition, I don’t know why but I always break it, so I don’t have so much affection to this machine ( I know is my fault but anyway)

why did you choose your career?

When I was a child I used to change my mind about the plans for my adult life, because I was interested in a lot of different things,so I could not decide which one was the best, for example, in a while I wanted to became in a big chef but on the next day I was thinking that I could be an excellent teacher. Well at that time I had no pressure to take one or another. As soon as I was in high school it came the first decision about my future life, that was to choose among Humanistic, Biologic or Mathematician. In that moment I was so confused, because I loved the letters and the biology, however I had to choose only one and I took biology. Despite of that election when I was preparing PSU test  thinking about becoming  a doctor, I remember having thought if that was the real profession that I wanted to take for the rest of my life, because no matter how beautiful it could be to help people, I felt there's something that I would miss a lot that was the desire to learn everyday a...

Post 1: My Auto Biography

Hello everyone. First of all i want to present my self : my name is Constanza, but i prefer you call me Coni. I am 19 year old. I was born in Chile and i never moved from here, sadly, i know. Actually i am living with my parents, my brother and sister. My brother call's Esteban. He is my twin brother so we've been doing everything together since we born. My sister call´s Gabriela she is my little sister. About my education business i have to say that i was only in one school in my whole life. As soon as i finished there i get in the university. Fortunately i am studying the career i choose that is sociology, i think is the best decision i had ever made. Finally  i want to agree my hobbies: i love see movies, read and listen to music.